Hawthorn Berry Homemade Cordial
Harvesting hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) berries in late fall can produce a basket of sweet red berries ideal for a vitamin-rich homemade cordial (Harford,2020). Blended with seasonal favorites, including apple, rosehip (Rosa spp.), and cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.), this hawthorn berry homemade cordial is sure to delight and soothe.Â
The hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) tree offers many gifts: leaf, flower, berry, and some herbalists even use the thorn. Hawthorn supports the physical heart by acting as a cardiac tonic (Easley & Horne, 2016). The berries have a sweet and sour flavor (Tilgner, 2009). The most common hawthorn species are Crataegus monogyna, C. oxyacantha, and C. laevigata. All hawthorn species have wellness benefits and are used in similar ways (de la Forêt, 2017).
What better way to enjoy the gifts of hawthorn than to create an after-dinner cordial that can ease the stomach, open the heart, and help celebrate the harvest season? This hawthorn berry cordial recipe is adapted from Alchemy of Herbs by Rosalee de la Forêt. Yield: 2 servings.
Hawthorn Berry Cordial
In Closing,
This delightful Hawthorn Berry Cordial calls for brandy, but you can use vodka, rum, or even whisky when creating homemade cordials (Winter, 2014). For more information on hawthorn (Crataegus spp.), including its history, myths, and uses, see Hawthorn Offerings.
de la Forêt, R. (2017). Alchemy of herbs: Transform everyday ingredients into foods and remedies that heal. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.Â
Easley, T., & Horne, S. (2016). The modern herbal dispensatory: A medicine-making guide. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.Â
Harford, R. (2020). Hawthorn – A Foraging Guide to Its Food, Medicine and Other Uses [Online article] Â
Retrieved from https://www.eatweeds.co.uk/hawthorn-crataegus-monogyna
Pivarnik, M. (2019). The History, Mythology, and Offerings of Hawthorn [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://theherbalacademy.com/hawthorn-offerings/
Tilgner, S. (2009). Herbal medicine: From the heart of the earth. Pleasant Hill, OR: Wise Acres LLC.
Winter, C. (2014). DIY: A Cordial Event –How to Make Your Own Flavored Liqueurs at Home [Online article]. Retrieved from https://inhabitat.com/diy-a-cordial-event-making-your-own-flavored-liqueurs-at-home/