A Comprehensive School Directory & Guide to Finding the Best Herbal Education For You!
It is, after all, transformation that all the best herbal schools encourage, enabling and supporting our transitioning into informed and empowered plant healers who have amazing gifts to share with this world.
– Plant Healer, Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory, p. 26
It is in this spirit that the wonderful folks at Plant Healer Magazine have put together a wonderful FREE comprehensive guide to the very best in herbal education. This guide simply is chock full of information to help both budding herbalists and those seeking to expand their education, find the best options in herbal education for them. Inspiring words from some of the most respected and beloved herb teachers of our time are sprinkled throughout the guide which culminates in a listing of herbal schools across the United States.
What’s Inside?
The guide begins with information on what is needed to become an effective and knowledgeable herbalist. It then moves on to the various different approaches to gaining an herbal education. From self-study to formal education, the pros and cons of each direction are discussed in a frank manner along with tips for successful study.
An herbal education can be a doorway to many different paths: a way to create community or to help people in need, as a way to support conservation efforts for endangered plant species, or even as a means to develop a personal creative outlet through gardening, making herbal products, or as an artist or photographer.
– Amber Meyers, Marketing and Communications Director at the Herbal Academy, p. 18 from the Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory
Next, the guide offers information on various herbal teachers and their approaches. Here is where the art of herbalism becomes evident. In reading about herbalists and their teaching philosophies, we get a glimpse at the individual bent each teacher takes including what inspires them as both an herbalist and a teacher. This section may get you thinking about the kind of herbalist you are or would like to become.
The last section of the guide is a regional listing of schools offering herbal education from around the country as well as schools that provide online learning. Here you can read about the focus of each unique school and what they have to offer their students.
It is our mission to provide as many people possible the gift of Earth’s medicine. Herbalism is not something to hold onto for ourselves; it’s something we want to share widely with all.
– Marlene Adelmann Founder and Director of Herbal Academy p. 24 from the Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory
Be sure to look up the Herbal Academy and learn more about our school and our offerings. Look out for us on pages 18, 24, 45, and 84!
Download and enjoy the FREE Plant Healer’s Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory here!