Results for the searched words: vata

Vata Massage Oil Recipe (Fall and Early Winter)
Massage oil, especially when infused with herbs, can be more than just a feel-good skin moisturizer. Ayurveda teaches that fat is closely connected to love, satisfaction, and protection (Svoboda, 1999). In addition to nourishing and nurturing the skin, using herbally infused homemade massage oils produces a grounding, supportive, and protective effect on the body and…

3 Tips on Managing Vata Dosha During Autumn
Ayurveda teaches that we each have an inherent prakruti, which is our natural, unchanging nature. Our prakruti is our unique balance of vata, pitta, and kapha doshas and is unaffected by phase of life, seasons, or any other external factors. If you’re interested in finding out what your dosha is, read our article, Introduction To…

Elderberry Spice Galette Recipe
As the season shifts from high summer to early autumn, we begin to prepare for what lies ahead. Connecting back with the rhythms of the earth helps us to honor our inner worlds. The life cycle of plants, reflected in their appearance, marks the shifts in time and is an invitation into ritual to honor…

Green Pea Hummus Recipe with Fresh Mint
Many of us appreciate the satisfying and versatile nature of a good hummus. Great on sandwiches, pita bread, and crackers, hummus is also a fabulous topping on veggies, and adds an extra kick of protein to a variety of savory dishes and spreads. As a fun variation on chickpeas, this hummus recipe mixes it up…

Herbal Support for Menopause + An Herbal Formula for Dryness
While studying Ayurveda, our teacher emphasized many times that “menopause is not a disease.” Though there are often symptoms associated with the transition from the menstruating years to menopause, menopause is a natural biological process and is simply part of the normal life cycle. Some individuals are fortunate enough to experience a relatively symptom-free menopause….

3 Supportive Uses for Peppermint You Need to Know
A cheerful mint whose flavor and aroma have inspired candy canes, chewing gum, breath mints, and holiday goodies of all sorts, the uses for peppermint (Mentha x piperita) leaf as a versatile herb with numerous botanical benefits and usages are many. With a long history among Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, and Japanese cultures, peppermint is…

Waning Moon Herbal Mix For Deep Nourishment
When you observe the flow of your energy cycles during any given month you may notice that your energy ebbs and flows. Sometimes you need to hang out in an eddy; other times you are flowing forward at full force. During any lunar cycle, we tend to have times of heightened creativity, activity, and extroversion…

Top Supports for Anxiety: Herbs, Lifestyle, and Traditional Wisdom
On the rare occasion when I meet someone who reports that they never get stressed or anxious, I typically raise an eyebrow. Some level of stress, worry, and even fearfulness is a natural and normal part of life. We have evolved to have a negativity bias as a means of survival, meaning we scan our…

The Three Aspects of Taste in Ayurveda
In our new Ayurveda and Digestive Health Intensive in The Herbarium, Ayurvedic practitioner and Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher Greta Kent-Stoll, delves into the foundational concepts of ayurvedic eating, such as the six tastes, and the role that each of the three doshas plays in digestive health. You will learn how to recognize vata-, pitta-, or kapha-type digestive…

How Does Scent Affect Mood?
On an intuitive and experiential level, many of us are aware of the connection between scent and mood. Though some may tune into the significance of scent more consciously than others, our sense of smell is intimately related to our emotions and even cognitive function and spatial awareness (Fifth Sense, 2021). Furthermore, appealing scents enhance…