6 Herbal Vision Boards To Inspire Your Herbal Journey
Herbalism speaks to each of us in different ways. When we first venture onto this path, many of us don’t have a clear idea of who we want to become as an herbalist. Even when we’ve been on our individual herbal journey for some time, we may still struggle with identifying who we are as an herbalist. This is one reason we created our free Becoming An Herbalist Mini Course.
One helpful way to clarify your identity or goals is to craft a vision for yourself through a vision board. A vision board helps you to bring visual representations of your interests together into one space—either physical or digital. You can display this board in your office, bedroom, workshop, journal, or on a digital device to serve as a reminder to set intentions and focus your ideas around your herb-related vision.
Styles of Herbal Vision Boards
Some people create vision boards with words by simply writing out all the emotions they want to feel as an herbalist and in their practice, the objects they want to surround themselves with, educational achievements they want to pursue, etc. Others prefer to cut illustrations and photos out of books or magazines that represent these concepts and paste them together in a collage. Some herbalists even prefer to bring their herbal vision boards to life through drawing or painting!
Regardless of your methods, the entire idea behind creating herbal vision boards is to include what motivates and inspires you toward the vision you want to create (or the one you already have) for yourself as an herbalist.
6Â Herbal Vision Boards To Inspire You
We here at the Herbal Academy have an herbal vision board that guides and reminds us of our company’s goals in the world of herbalism. We’ve also reached out to some other amazing herbalists, teachers, and Herbal Academy team members who are all walking down different herbal paths—some working with clients, some selling herbal products, others teaching about herbs, and all using herbs in their own homes and with their own families. We’ve asked each of them to share their herbal vision boards with us in hopes that these examples will inspire others to create herbal vision boards of their own.
1. Herbal Academy
The Herbal Academy is an online school of herbalism offering affordable herbalist training programs for students at all experience levels. Whether you are looking to explore herbalism as a hobby or personal endeavor or preparing for a career, the Herbal Academy has designed herbalist programs to suit your path and your educational needs! The Academy celebrates the community-centered spirit of herbalism by collaborating with a wide diversity of seasoned clinical herbalists, folk herbalists, and medical professionals to create an herbal school that presents many herbal traditions and points of view.
You can view our herbal vision board in full right here: https://www.pinterest.com/HerbalAcademyNE/herbal-academy-vision-board/
2. Meagan Visser of Growing Up Herbal
Meagan Visser is a wife, homeschool mom to four boys, and former Registered Nurse turned herbalist. She is the Blog Coordinator at the Herbal Academy, and she chronicles her journey of living life naturally in the mountains of East Tennessee over on her personal blog, Growing Up Herbal. Her goal is to encourage and inspire others in their personal wellness journey whether it be in cleaning up their diet, incorporating more time in nature, discovering the wonderful world of herbs, or creating their own non-toxic home and skincare products.
You can view Meagan’s herbal vision board in full right here: https://www.pinterest.com/GrowingUpHerbal/herbal-vision-board/
3. Caitlin Frazier of The Locusts & Honey
Caitlin Frazier is an herbalist and blogger at Locusts & Honey. Caitlin’s journey into herbalism was founded upon the need for a gentle repose from the rush of the world and a longing to reconnect with nature. Through studying herbalism she is inspired daily by the calm and wise balance the plants bring to her mind, body, and spirit, and she hopes to encourage others to seek out a gentler life through herbalism and a reconnection with nature through Locusts & Honey.
You can view Caitlin’s herbal vision board in full right here: https://www.pinterest.com/thelocustsandhoney/locusts-honey-vision-board/
4. Lindsey Kluge of Ginger Tonic Botanicals
Lindsay Kluge, MS, CNS, LDN is a clinical herbalist and nutritionist currently based in Portland, OR. She is an avid researcher and writer, and her blog, Ginger Tonic Botanicals, is where she shares holistic health advice, herbal inspirations, and education on cultivating your own herbal wisdom. She’s is a teacher and mentor to budding herbalists and nutritionists alike, and she practices clinically in Oregon and Virginia. Currently, she is adjunct faculty with the Maryland University of Integrative Health and offers herbal and nutrition appointments and mentorships virtually via http://gingertonicbotanicals.com/.
You can view Lindsey’s herbal vision board in full right here: https://www.pinterest.com/GingerTonicB/herbal-vision-board/
5. FreeDom Flowers of Mama Flowers
FreeDom Danielle Flowers is a holistic health practitioner, clinical herbalist, and owner of an herbal product based business, Mama Flowers. She teaches herbal workshops at her wellness studio and offers online herbal courses. She also offers some of her recipes and herbal education on her blog and social media.
You can view FreeDom’s herbal vision board in full right here: https://www.pinterest.com/mama_flowers/herbal-journey-vision-board/
6. Heather Saba
Heather Saba is a clinical herbalist and nutritionist who sees clients in-person in Boulder, CO and remotely via phone or Skype in addition to writing for The Herbal Academy’s blog and courses. Her herbal vision board embodies what her current practice offers and what she is striving to create in her work as an herbalist. From writing and seeing clients in a picturesque office nested within a beautiful herbal garden to creating custom formulas in an expansive apothecary, this board helps focus her dreams as an herbalist through vivid photos.
You can view Heather’s herbal vision board in full right here: https://www.pinterest.com/heathersabaherbalist/herbal-vision-board/
Would You Like To Know How To Become An Herbalist?
Our free Becoming An Herbalist Mini Course is now open for enrollment. This free herbal course was created with those interested in herbalism in mind, and it’s designed to teach what an herbalist does (and doesn’t do) as well as how herbalists navigate the legal, ethical, and logistical considerations of using herbs.
There are five lessons in this course, and you will have three months to complete them. You’ll find checklists and assignments along the way as well as study aids, tools, and charts to download and print if you wish. You can even enjoy exclusive discounts from our partners!
Upgrade to The Herbal Journey Planner
Once you register for our free Becoming An Herbalist Mini Course, you can choose to upgrade to receive one of our beautifully designed Herbal Journey Planners in the mail!
This full-color planner contains all five lessons from the course as well as all checklists, study aids, and charts. In addition, it has a two-year calendar to help you get started planning your herbal journey, notes pages to help you organize your thoughts, and bonus activities like the herbal vision board activity above to help you gain insight and clarify your goals.
Start your herbal journey today by enrolling in our free Becoming An Herbalist Mini Course.
You can learn more here: https://theherbalacademy.com/product/becoming-herbalist-mini-course/.