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21 May 2021

DIY Spring Herb Salve With Lavender, Calendula, and Rose

Fresh slow-infused calendula drips through a strainer sending drops of gold liquid splashing to the bottom of the glass. Next to it a jar filled with sweet lavender oil fills the room with a soothing aroma. A glittering of copper paints the wall as the sun hits the lid to my rose-infused oil. This right here is why I love studying herbalism. These moments of creating an herb salve and learning the magic of plants through Herbal Academy are truly joyous. 

supplies for spring herb salve

Inspired by the Beauty of Spring

You know the morning when the dew delicately covers each petal, the air is fresh and the smell of spring takes over your senses? The time of year where everything is in bloom? That special moment in time—I wanted to bottle it up. Inspired by all the beauty of spring, I made this flower-filled salve as a memento of the season. Delicate, yet powerful. Versatile yet so simple. An herbal salve is truly a wonderful creation. You can apply this spring-inspired herb salve to dry hands, a rash, a small cut, chapped lips, and even to burns (Herbal Academy, n.d.). I keep herbal salves in my bathroom and one in my bag for when we are on the go. 

straining herbs through cheesecloth

herbal oil ready to make herb salve

DIY Spring Herb Salve to Try

When I first started creating my own herbal infusions and products, I was hesitant. What if I mess it up? What if it doesn’t come out right? I was constantly looking at my notes to make sure I was doing the steps right. If you are feeling the same way, I’m here to tell you, you can do this! Creating an herbal salve using this recipe is a perfect place to start. Grab your oil infusions that are lining your shelves, get a little beeswax, or soy wax, and a mold or tin—that’s it! 

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)

Full of gorgeous yet subtle color and noted for their soothing aroma, the beauty in these flowers is easy to appreciate. However, their deeper gifts are also truly remarkable. Lavender (Lavandula officinalis), for topical use, relieves tension, may aid in resolving fungal infections, and is a gentle herbal antiseptic. It can be used to disinfect and support the healing of scrapes, burns, and other superficial wounds (Gladstar, 2012).

Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Golden calendula flowers offer many gifts for your skin. Notably, calendula (Calendula officinalis) can be used in helping wounds, sores, varicose veins, pulled muscles, bruises, and burns (Heinerman, 1996). This plant ally is a powerful flower to include in topical herbal creations. 

Rose (Rosa spp.)

This common flower carries a badge of honor in the world of beauty. Used for centuries in skincare, rose (Rosa spp.) provides rich moisturization for a soft glow and is a lovely astringent. When used topically, rose will tighten and tone the skin to help balance moisture (Maury, 2020).

round bars of herb salve

DIY Spring Herb Salve with Lavender, Calendula and Rose

This spring-inspired herb salve recipe featuring lavender, calendula, and rose is perfect for dry hands, a rash, a small cut, chapped lips, and even burns.


2 ounces lavender (Lavandula officinalis) infused oil
1 ounce calendula (Calendula officianalis) infused oil
1 ounce rose (Rosa spp.) infused oil
1 tablespoon beeswax

  • Prepare a double boiler. For example, I have a small handheld one that fits into pretty much any standard pot, though this can be accomplished with two stove-safe pots that fit inside each other. I tend to make small batch herbal creations and the small size of my double boiler setup works great. It even has a spout to pour the liquid with ease. If using two pots, instead of a designated double boiler, place the smaller pot inside the larger one and fill the remaining space in the larger pot with water to insulate the edges of the smaller pot from the direct heat of the stove.
  • Combine the infused oils into the double boiler, or the smallest pot, with the heat on low. You want the water to heat slowly, just enough to heat up the oil. 
  • Add in the beeswax, and stir the wax and oil together until they melt. I find it is easiest to use a disposable bamboo spoon so there is one less surface with messy wax residue to clean up. 
  • Once the wax and oil are melted into a lovely liquid, carefully pour into a tin or mold. You can even get fancy and add dried pieces of the flowers you used in the salve itself. See examples of this in my photographs! This makes for a beautiful gift! 
  • Let cool and solidify. (This takes a few hours.)

To Use:

Apply the salve as needed. This spring-inspired herbal salve recipe has a soft, creamy consistency. It will easily glide over your chapped lips, and you can apply it to dry hands that need extra attention. Or, dab some on your heels before bed and slip on some comfy socks. This will help your feet stay soft and ready for those spring sandals. Lastly, don’t forget to use this lovely floral salve as you personally see fit. It truly is a Swiss Army knife of herbal creations! 

In Closing, 

It is as easy as it sounds. This botanical combo is a lovely recipe to try. The gifts of spring all in one little tin. Happy creating herbal friends! 

If you feel called to learn more, as a current Herbal Academy student who started from scratch, I encourage you to find more detailed information on salves in the Introductory Herbal Course. I took this course and I feel so empowered by the newfound knowledge. My understanding of plants and practicing herbal creations all stem from this course. Take a look and follow along on my journey with Herbal Academy. I would be so happy to answer any questions new students may have. DIY Spring Herb Salve with Lavender, Calendula, and Rose | Herbal Academy | This spring-inspired herb salve recipe is perfect for dry hands, a rash, a small cut, chapped lips, and even burns.


Gladstar, R. (2012). Medicinal herbs: A beginners guide. North Adams, MA: Versa Press.

Heinerman, J. (1995). Heinerman’s encyclopedia of healing herbs & spices. New York, NY: Penguin Putnam Inc.

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Introductory Herbal Course [Online Educational Program]. Retrieved from https://theherbalacademy.com/product/introductory-herbal-course/

Maury, M. (2020). Natural homemade skincare. Salem, MA: Page Street Publishing.