Make a Beautiful Winter Lantern With Pressed Flowers to Celebrate the Winter Solstice
Some celebrate the winter solstice with light—–bonfires or candles are perfect. And others celebrate with ripe fruits to acknowledge the sweetness of the season. A nice winter solstice ritual is to write down on a piece of paper something from the year that you are letting go of, and on another paper, something you are…

How to Make Pressed Flower Lanterns to Celebrate the Summer Solstice
The sun has reached its peak angle and is in its full, brilliant splendor throughout the long summer days before making its slow descent toward its lower arc during winter’s relative darkness. We have reached a turning point in the year. The summer solstice, coming from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or…

Herbal Aphrodisiac Candle: The Perfect DIY Project For a Romantic Evening
You know the saying “love is in the air,” and the feel of a palpable swirling energy, the kind that makes you feel exhilarated? February shines a spotlight on love and as the month bursts with store-bought flowers, chocolate, and heart-shaped trinkets, let it also be a time to reconnect. A reminder to yourself or…