Freshen Your Home With This Green Clean Stovetop Potpourri Recipe
Don’t you just adore the scent of a natural, freshly cleaned home? Bright notes of zesty lemons, fresh mints, evergreens, and a hint of lavender combine with a little vinegar to create that green clean aroma that we adore in our homes at this time of year. Unfortunately, many common cleaning products and fresheners, which…

Apple Cinnamon Stovetop Potpourri Blend
If you love the smell of freshly baked apple pie (honestly, who doesn’t?), then this Apple Cinnamon Stovetop Potpourri Blend is for you. With this delightful recipe simmering on the stovetop, your whole home will smell like a freshly baked apple pie—with only a fraction of the work! This dried blend also makes a wonderfully…

3 Stovetop Potpourri Recipes for Winter
Don’t you just love the smell of the holidays? Fresh evergreen trees, cinnamon-covered desserts, and spiced cider all mingle together during this exciting and hope-filled time of year. Unfortunately, these delightful scents are often overpowered by well-intentioned candles and cleaning supplies that are stuffed with synthetic scents. These artificial smells can be nice at first…