A Foraged Feast: Nutritional Value of Edible Wild Food
Since we launched our foraging course, we’ve been fascinated by the nutritional density of edible wild food varieties compared to their cultivated counterparts. As a sneak peek into The Foraging Course, we’re diving into this topic with an excerpt pulled directly from Lesson 2. Wild edibles tend to contain more beneficial nutrients like vitamins and…

2019 Vegan Spice Guide For Vegan Cooking
Vegan foods can get a bad rap for being bland and tasteless. In the Western world, meat has become a predominant part of every meal. Many people have become so accustomed to the salty, fatty flavor offered by animal protein that they find it difficult to imagine how a person could subsist on a diet…

A Warming Turmeric Cauliflower Soup For Chilly Winter Days
Winter is here, and if you’re anything like me, you’re probably craving soup! There is nothing better on a chilly evening, wrapped in a blanket with loved ones, than sipping from a bowl of warm, soothing soup. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and cauliflower are gaining popularity in many healthy recipes as they have a plethora of…

How Does Hot Water Temperature Affect The Nutritional Content Of Herbs?
When it comes to health and wellness, herbs can be one of our greatest allies. Herbal tea is a go-to for soothing common ailments like cold and flu symptoms, while herbal infusions are beloved as nature’s “vitamin supplement.” When it comes to steeping nutritional herbs for vitamins and minerals, most of us turn to a…

Eating Nutritiously
When we think about nutrition, it’s important to begin by accepting people’s preferences and acknowledging that dietary practices are often based in cultural and subcultural mores and may or may not be influenced by ethical, religious, and health concerns. It is possible to help people to improve their diet while respecting whatever cultural, ethical, or…