Introduction to Herbs for Kids
Welcome to our very special Introduction to Herbs for Kids series! Children are often fascinated by the natural world, learning from simple interactions with a puddle or a bug or a tree. This series of lessons caters to that natural inquisitiveness while introducing children to the world of herbalism in interesting and enjoyable ways. Written towards children,…

Introduction To Herbs For Kids: Herbs Are Tasty!
Everyone loves a tasty little something to munch on, and it is fun to cook up a yummy treat to share! You can make delicious food by using herbs when you cook. In fact, throughout history people have used herbs in their cooking to make their food tasty and healthy. When you add herbs to…

Introduction To Herbs For Kids: Wildcrafting
Fun On The Wild Side Take a trip outside your door and look down! What do you see? Do you see little plants growing? Perhaps it is one single little dandelion or maybe you have found a whole area of plants growing and thriving. You won’t have to go far to find wild plants! Sometimes…

Introduction To Herbs For Kids: Adventures In The Herb Garden
Are you dreaming of starting an herb garden and creating a special place for your new herb friends to live? In our last lesson we talked about some of the basics you need to start your very own herb garden. In this lesson we’re heading back out to the garden to learn more about starting plants from…

Introduction To Herbs For Kids: Start Your Herb Garden
Make a home for your new best friends! Have you ever watched a little seed sprout into life? Have you seen a baby plant grow into a big, beautiful plant? It is magical! You can be a gardener and help little plants grow! Invite some of your newly found herb friends to grow in your…

Introduction To Herbs For Kids: Keep It Simple
Make A Special Friend Do you want to become really good friends with herbs? One simple way to do this is by spending special time with each plant as you are learning about it and using this time to create a relationship together. It is like when you spend an afternoon with just one friend…

Introduction To Herbs For Kids: A Kid’s Herbal Pharmacy
An Overview of Simple Herbal Preparations Using our gentle herbal friends is simply a lovely part of life. Herbs can be used to keep you healthy and make you strong. They can also be used to help you feel better when you are sick. Creating herbal remedies is a way to show gratitude for the herbs…

Introduction to Herbs for Kids: Meet My Friend, Herb! Part 2
Meet My Friend, Herb! Part Two Welcome! Thank you for joining us on our herbal adventure! In our last Introduction to Herbs for Kids lesson, we started learning about herbalism by answering questions such as “What is an herb?” and “How can I use herbs?” This week we are going to talk about a very…

Introduction to Herbs for Kids: Meet My Friend, Herb!
Meet My Friend, Herb! Part One Hi Kids! I am so glad you are joining us! We are about to go on an adventure. An adventure into the green world of plants where we will find a magical world of healing and friendship. Here we will start with some basics. What is an herb? How can…