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Introducing Our Newest Short Course: Herbal Self-Care For Stress Management | Herbal Academy | The Herbal Academy team has been working behind the scenes on our newest short course: Herbal Self-Care For Stress Management! Check it out today!
  ON October 17,2017

Introducing Our Newest Short Course: Herbal Self-Care For Stress Management

Are you stressed? According to a 2014 study by the American Institute of Stress, 77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms of stress with 73% of those experiencing psychological symptoms as well (American Institute of Stress, n.d.). As you probably already know, everyday things like marriage, kids, work, finances, and sleep deprivation, when not properly…

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4 Questions To Ask Before Going To Herbal School | Herbal Academy | Thinking about going to herbal school? How do you know if our herbal school is right for you? Here are 4 questions to ask yourself before deciding!
  ON August 21,2017

4 Questions To Ask Before Going To Herbal School

It’s back to school season, and not just for the kids and college students—for everyone who wants to study the art and science of herbalism at the Herbal Academy, too! But how do you know if our herbal school is right for you? Today, I’m sharing 4 questions you should ask yourself before going to…

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Motherwort Through History | Herbal Academy |Here at the Academy, we often talk about the history and traditions of herbs. In this post we are focusing on the history of motherwort. Come learn with us!
  ON May 31,2017

Motherwort Through History

Here at the Academy, we often talk about historical knowledge and folk tradition comprising one of the legs of the three-legged stool that informs our understanding of a plant’s therapeutic uses. Scientific studies and the first-hand experience of modern herbalists are the other legs that complete the stool, balancing and reinforcing one another to give…

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12 Best Botany Words to Use in Your Herbal Studies | Herbal Academy | It’s handy to know a few of the more unusual botanical terms. These are the botany words you might come across when you are identifying a new plant.
  ON September 18,2015

12 Best Botany Words for Your Herbal Studies

Most of the time, the words we use to describe our herbs are fairly straightforward: calendula petals, mint leaves, and ginger root. Leaves, petals, and roots are parts of plants familiar to most people, even if they aren’t gardeners, herbalists, or botanists. And for most purposes, that’s as technical as you need to be. Other…

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