11 Ways to Save Money on Herbal Supplies
As your herbal studies gain momentum, we know how tempting it can be to purchase brand-new herbal supplies: herbs, books, materials, and equipment to bring your recipes and projects to life. Like any craft, there are baskets upon baskets of fun, exciting tools that you’ll want and need as you stock your herbal supply cabinet,…

It’s Back To School Time Here At The Herbal Academy & We’re Having A Sale On All Our Courses!
The smell of new notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, and clean slates fill the air this time of year. The back-to-school season is about a fresh start whether you are just beginning school or have long since graduated. Although our courses are available all year round, here at the Herbal Academy, we are pleased to join…

Introducing 3 New Herbarium Features To Help You Grow As An Herbalist
Over the last three years, The Herbarium has become a cherished resource, providing herbalists of all skill levels with in-depth resources to advance their herbal learning through constantly updated herbal monographs, thoughtful articles, and educational podcasts, videos, and charts. We are pleased to announce that even more resources are being released to The Herbarium community…

Epic 5 Days of Giveaways by Herbal Academy
It’s been done just once before, the 5 Days of Giveaways is back, and this year it’s bigger than ever! As part of this year’s Epic 5 Days of Giveaways, we are opening up awesome prizes each and every day from Monday, July 18th to Friday, July 22th. Here’s what you can look forward to…

Introduction to Herbs for Kids
Welcome to our very special Introduction to Herbs for Kids series! Children are often fascinated by the natural world, learning from simple interactions with a puddle or a bug or a tree. This series of lessons caters to that natural inquisitiveness while introducing children to the world of herbalism in interesting and enjoyable ways. Written towards children,…

Enhance Your Herbal Education with these Affordable Resources!
Aromatherapy and herbalism are vast subjects, and learning them is a joyous, life-long journey! Many of us are simply impassioned with a desire to learn and we often find ourselves looking for new resources to expand and deepen our knowledge of these subjects. Building a home library is extremely helpful for anyone learning about aromatherapy…

A Comprehensive School Directory & Guide to Finding the Best Herbal Education For You!
It is, after all, transformation that all the best herbal schools encourage, enabling and supporting our transitioning into informed and empowered plant healers who have amazing gifts to share with this world. – Plant Healer, Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory, p. 26 It is in this spirit that the wonderful folks at Plant…

7 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Clinical Herbal Practice
Perhaps you have studied herbalism for a few years and find that you are drawn to clinical herbalism – the side of herbalism that focuses on working one on one with clients. Perhaps you know that you want to work as a clinical herbalist, but you may be wondering what it would take to start…

How to Begin your Herbalist Training
You want to become an herbalist, but you’re not sure where to begin. That’s natural, because although an herbalist is someone who works with and studies herbs, the details of how and where an herbalist acquires their herbalist training depends on the interests and talents of the individual. Most often, the job people have in…

Speaking the Herbalist’s Language
There are a number of words that can give beginning herbal enthusiasts or students a reason to stop and scratch their heads. Even if you might know what a word like “decoction” or “ayurveda” means, you might not be sure of the pronunciation. Learning the herbalist’s language is no simple task! And with herbalism borrowing…