Calming Canine Herbs for Your Four-Legged Friends | The Herbal Academy | Calming canine herbs like chamomile, catnip, skullcap, and valerian can help soothe and nourish your pet’s nervous system.
  ON May 26,2020

Calming Canine Herbs for Your Four-Legged Friends

There are a number of things that can cause stress and anxiety for our beloved pets, from separation anxiety to loud noises. Whenever my dog hears a loud bang that resembles a gunshot sound, his ears fold back, he gets as close to the ground as he can, and he frantically scrambles to hide. This…

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3 Calming Herbs to Support ADHD & Cognition | Herbal Academy | Whether it is you struggling with ADHD or you're working with a family member or a client, here's three calming herbs to support ADHD & cognition.
  ON October 11,2018

3 Calming Herbs to Support ADHD & Cognition

Many different herbs can be incorporated into a successful herbal protocol that helps support attention, cognition, and mood in those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Whether it is you struggling with ADHD or you are working with a child, family member, or a client, approach the topic with compassion and an open mind. In doing so,…

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