Herbs for Health and Cheer During Winter
As we head into the darker, cooler months of winter, many of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and activities of the holidays. Some of us may pine for quiet snow days and the opportunity to turn within and reflect. Or, depending on where you live, winter may take on a slightly different flavor….

How to Correctly Identify and Use Evergreens for Internal and External Use
Attempting to correctly identify evergreen trees can be challenging. Evergreens get their name because the leaves, or needles, stay “green forever.” No matter the weather outside, you can always rely on evergreens to be green throughout the seasons. But if you plan on using some parts of the tree for herbalism, it’s important to correctly…

DIY Cold and Flu Bombs With Immune-Stimulating Herbs
We are all well aware of the looming cold and flu season that is approaching. As it inches its way closer, we are stocking our herbal pantries with strong allies like elder, echinacea, ginger, and thyme, among others. One option for utilizing these herbs is by making a simple recipe like these DIY cold and…

Herbal Oils for Acne Scarring
Few things can make a person feel as vulnerable and self-conscious as acne. While many chronic issues aren’t immediately obvious to others, the pimples and bumps associated with acne are on display for peers, love interests, and strangers to see. Frustratingly, even after the blemishes have resolved, they can leave long-lasting scars that can continue…

Herbal Academy Student Feature: Deema Al Huqail (@alkamicare)
Welcome to another installment in our Student Feature interview series! For this installment, we spoke with Deema Al Huqail (@alkamicare) of AlkamiCare where she creates hand-blended tea, flower essences, botanical skin care, and artisanal crafts inspired by the old and folk ways. Deema has completed the Botanical Skin Care Course and Intermediate Herbal Course, the Herbal Aphrodisiac Intensive, and…

Protect Plants Over the Winter: The Importance of Overwintering Your Garden
Preparing your garden to rest for the winter is just as essential as preparing your garden for planting in the spring. In fact, the work you put in at the end of the growing season can give you a jumpstart come spring. Overwintering is an umbrella term, under which there are several strategies for preparing…

Cannabis and Adaptogens for Stress
When it comes to modern-day living, it can seem like there is no relief in the frequency of life’s demands and the required fast pace to stay on top of things. This go-go-go way of living can wreak havoc on our nervous system. Over time, it can begin to rewire our brain to be in…

Chamomile Canna Bedtime Biscuits Recipe
With the launch of our new Canna+ Herbs Course, we’ve been exploring the many ways you can safely and responsibly invite cannabis (Cannabis sativa) into your herbal practice with intention and respect. One of our favorite ways to do that is to use cannabis-infused oils and butters in culinary creations. But before we dive into…

The Secret Network of Trees: Exploring the Important Relationship to Groundwater
The following book excerpt on the important relationship between forest trees and groundwater is adapted with permission of the publisher from the book The Secret Wisdom of Nature: Trees, Animals, and the Extraordinary Balance of All Living Things written by Peter Wohlleben and published by Greystone Books in March 2019. Available in paperback as The…

3 Simple No-Bake Vegan Cake Recipes
Working with botanical ingredients opens the door for creating recipes that are nourishing, tasty, and beautifully colorful. In this post, I share three recipes for gluten-free, dairy-free botanical vegan cake recipes: mango banana, raw cocoa, and lemon coconut. These cakes are not baked but are more of a cheesecake consistency. Each recipe is raw and…