Breathe Easier This Winter: Make This Lavender and Sage Chest Rub Recipe by Herbal Academy
24 Jan 2025

Breathe Easier This Winter: Make a Lavender and Sage Chest Rub

As the weather shifts and swings from autumn to winter to spring, we need herbal recipes in our repertoire to help combat stuffy sinuses. We have nothing against the standard mentholated chest rubs we all know and love, but they tend to have a very distinct smell that can err on the side of medicinal, which may be unappealing for some people. This lavender (Lavandula spp.) and sage (Salvia officinalis) chest rub is an alternative recipe you can make at home to help open your airways without leaving a lingering odor reminiscent of sick days. 

To achieve this we want something powerful and soothing, pleasant and invigorating. This end goal brought to mind my early experiences with herbal steams using kitchen herbs on hand, such as sage, thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and lavender. Using the warm and inviting aromatics of such herbs in a chest rub to soothe sinus inflammation makes for a lovely recipe.

jar of sage on a wooden board with essential oils in the background

Herbal Formulating for Lavender and Sage Chest Rub

The lavender and sage combination leaps out as both invigorating and soothing. For the lavender portion of the recipe, using lavender essential oil would be a safe and effective option. However, after considering potential toxicity concerns caused by the high levels of thujone in sage essential oil, which is toxic to nerve tissue in excess, we will use safe and ultra-gentle sage-infused oil as a base and add our safe essential oils to that (Chevallier, 2000). 

After some experimenting and experiencing, we found the sage and lavender combination alone turned out to need something additional. The final product’s scent had a top and a bottom but no middle, so we’ll add one in to round it out and enhance the fragrance and effects. For the third herbal ally in our recipe, let’s employ some age-old folk wisdom: “What grows together, goes together,” and look for another Mediterranean kitchen herb. 

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) immediately comes to mind as a Mediterranean herb with safe and effective aromatherapy use, especially for easing stress and tension. Studies on mice have confirmed the historical uses of marjoram for anxiety and depression, and will hopefully inspire more in depth human research (Amaghnouje et al, 2020). One small human study showed that nurses working in a COVID-19 ICU had lower levels of perceived stress after inhaling a 3% dilution of marjoram essential oil (Lee et al., 2023). 

When you put these three together, the Mediterranean trio really sings and delivers a host of aromatherapeutic benefits. Lavender helps to reduce pain, marjoram soothes tension, and sage lessens  mucus secretions (Chevallier, 2000), making these three a winning combo. Furthermore, they all have  antibacterial, antiseptic, or antimicrobial benefits in their volatile oils (Hoffmann, 2003).

pouring oil into a pot on the stove

Lavender and Sage Chest Rub Recipe

This chest rub recipe soothes sinus inflammation along with offering a calming, comforting floral and woodsy scent.


1 cup olive oil
2 cups dried sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves, divided
3-4 tablespoons beeswax pellets
60 drops lavender (Lavandula spp.) essential oil
40 drops marjoram (Origanum majorana) essential oil


Double boiler – if you do not have a double boiler you can make one by resting a heat proof glass bowl (e.g. pyrex) in a saucepan. The bowl should sit into the saucepan while still resting above the water level.
Fine mesh strainer
Oven mitts
Kitchen towel
8 ounce canning jar with lid
Label and marker

  • Into the inner pan of your double boiler, place one loosely packed cup of dried sage leaves and one cup olive oil. Set your burner on low, and allow the water in the double boiler to slowly come to a simmer. Once there is some bubbling action in the double boiler, allow the oil to infuse over low temperature for about one hour. Be sure to keep an eye on the water level in your double boiler.
  • After one hour, take the double boiler off the heat. Cool for 10-15 minutes before removing the inner liner of the double boiler.
  • Use oven mitts to handle the inner lining of the double boiler as it will be hot. Transfer the inner liner of your double boiler containing the infused oil to your workspace. Carefully strain the oil away from the herb into your canning jar, using the fine mesh strainer.
  • Check and refill the water in your double boiler before resetting the inner vessel for the second round of infusion. Add one loosely packed cup of dried sage leaves, the already infused oil, and 3-4 tablespoons of beeswax pellets into the double boiler and repeat the infusion process for another hour over low heat. The exact “right” amount of beeswax will depend on the ambient temperature in your home and personal preferences (see tips below).
  • After the second infusion, allow the double boiler apparatus to cool for 10-15 minutes before removing the inner pan of the double boiler with oven mitts.
  • Carefully strain the oil and herb through a fine mesh strainer back into a heat-safe 8 fluid ounce glass jar.
  • After filtering and expressing the infused oil, we’re ready to add our essential oils. Stir 60 drops of lavender and 40 drops of marjoram essential oils into the cooling oil and wax mixture. Allow the salve to cool completely before using.

finished jar of sage and lavender chest rub


Line the work area where you’ll be filtering your infused oil with a kitchen towel. This will remove excess moisture from the bottom of your double boiler vessel and soak up any spills for easier clean up. This will prevent your work surface from getting covered in oil and becoming slippery.

Here is a simple consistency test for salves: Dip a spoon into the melted salve mixture and stick that spoon in the freezer for 2 minutes. This gives the maker a little mini sample to test the consistency. Perform this test when making salves to find the texture and consistency that works for you.

It might seem as if we are adding quite a bit of essential oil to this recipe. This is intentional; the final product needs to pack an aromatic punch to assist in the clearing of blocked sinuses. This recipe will produce a 2% dilution of essential oil.


Sage is to be avoided during pregnancy (Chevallier, 2000).

In Closing,

This chest rub recipe soothes sinus inflammation along with offering a calming, comforting floral and woodsy scent that won’t smell like a medicine cabinet. By heeding the precautions set forth by professionals, we are able to craft a safe and effective alternative to a store-bought staple. Using our understanding of herbal allies to guide us and our senses to hone in, we are able to craft a DIY solution to what ails us.

Breathe Easier This Winter: Make This Lavender and Sage Chest Rub Recipe | Herbal Academy | This chest rub recipe soothes sinus inflammation along with offering a calming, comforting floral and woodsy scent.


Amaghnouje, A., Mechchate, H., Es-safi, I., Alotaibi, A. A., Noman, O. M., Nasr, F. A., … & Bousta, D. (2020). Anxiolytic, antidepressant-like proprieties and impact on the memory of the hydro-ethanolic extract of Origanum majorana L. on mice. Applied Sciences, 10(23), 8420.

Chevallier, A. (2000). Encyclopedia of herbal medicine. DK.

Dhiman, N., & Bhasin, A. (2022). Marjoram (Origanum majorana): An essential oil with potential pharmacological properties and health benefits. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11(7), 4454–4460.

Hoffmann, D. (2003). Medical herbalism: The science and practice of herbal medicine. Healing Arts Press. 

Lee, S. W., Shin, Y. K., Lee, J. M., & Seol, G. H. (2023). Inhalation of Origanum majorana L. essential oil while working reduces perceived stress and anxiety levels of nurses in a COVID-19 intensive care unit: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, 1287282.