Results for Category: Read To Me

Giveaway: Body Into Balance | Herbal Academy | Win a copy of Maria Noël Groves's new book, Body Into Balance!
  ON May 04,2016

Book Review: Body Into Balance

Herbalism has much to offer to help us maintain vibrant minds and healthy bodies. When utilized in a holistic approach in conjunction with healthy patterns of nourishment, sleep, exercise, and other self-care methods, herbs are a powerful tool for supporting wellness. In her new book, Body Into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self Care, herbalist…

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Medicinal Herb Farmer
  ON June 22,2015

The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer

It comes as no surprise that a fascination with plants was the driving force behind many an herbalist’s chosen path. And while herbalism has many expressions, a strong connection with plants and access to high quality herbs is of paramount importance to all herbalists. For some, the desire to get their hands in the soil…

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  ON June 12,2015

3 Old-Timey Herb Books You Can Read Online

Herbalism is seeing a revival in our times, but there is still much we can learn from herbalists who came before us. The history of herbalism goes far, far back into time with the first known reference to medicinal herbs found on clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians. Many old herbal manuscripts are preserved in libraries…

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  ON July 08,2014

The China Study: All-Star Collection Review & Giveaway

When I was younger, my mother had a cookbook in the kitchen that she’d pull out every week to try something new. It’s a fact that when we cook our foods from scratch, we have to think more about what we’re putting in our bodies. In today’s day and age where we unconsciously shove highly…

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  ON April 03,2014

Spring Books for Children and Parents

Yesterday, I took a walk for the first time since winter made its hesitant retreat, leaving only a few remnants behind. These remnants are shadows of a figure that used to loom large and heavy. I am fearless now as I walk, carefully stepping on the edges of ice patches that line the road so that the breaking ice makes a satisfying crackle under…

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