Results for Category: Our Favorites

Lesser-Known Uses of Sunflower: National Geographic Herbal by Herbal Academy
  ON November 07,2023

Lesser-Known Uses of Sunflower: National Geographic Herbal

In National Geographic Herbal, herbalist and author Mimi Prunella Hernandez, RH(AHG), shares her passion for discovering both global traditions and local wisdom surrounding various herbs and spices and is the perfect guide through a worldwide spectrum of perspectives in herbalism. Exploring the benefits of common weeds like dandelion and red clover, as well as little-appreciated…

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A Simple Incense Recipe Using Ethically Sourced Herbs by Herbal Academy
  ON October 06,2023

A Simple Incense Recipe Using Ethically Sourced Herbs

In Earth Medicines: Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera, traditional healer, storyteller, and Indigenous foods activist Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz invites readers to connect with the the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water that are so deeply integral to her curanderismo tradition. Felicia shares many aspects that shape her own personal practice,…

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  ON July 04,2023

9 BIPOC-Owned Herb Shops to Support

We herbalists know that curating our home herbal supply is a labor of love that doesn’t exactly happen overnight. It takes time to line our cabinets with plants and products, whether homegrown, foraged, made, or gifted. And oh, how sweet it is to take our time with the plants! While there are many places you…

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