Results for Category: We’ve Come To Know

  ON September 12,2016

Lemon Balm: The Immortal Life of Bees

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) goes by many names: bee balm, Melissa, heart’s delight, and sweet balm. Whatever we call it, bees adore the plant. Lemon balm has been used enthusiastically by beekeepers and healers since ancient times. And it’s no wonder. This member of the mint family has an irresistible scent—the leaves smell both minty and…

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Tips on Balancing the Heart Chakra | Herbal Academy | Learn what the heart chakra is and tips on how to balance it with herbs and nature.
  ON August 17,2016

Tips On Balancing The Heart Chakra

Our fourth or heart chakra is the middle chakra. It brings together the three lower chakras:  root (survival), sacral (sexuality and creativity), and solar plexus (personal power and identity) with the three higher chakras: throat (truthful speech), third eye (intuition and knowing), and the crown (spirituality). As you might suspect, the heart chakra has much…

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  ON August 05,2016

6 Tips for Storing Dried Herbs

When putting together an herbal apothecary, dried herbs take center stage. Dried herbs are the first ingredient in so many different herbal preparations like herbal teas, infused oils, and tinctures. As one starts amassing a collection of dried herbs, it becomes increasingly important to be sure that you are storing dried herbs properly to ensure…

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Tips On Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra | Herbal Academy | Learn what the solar plexus chakra is and tips on how to balance it with herbs and nature.
  ON July 22,2016

Tips On Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Looking at the ancient Eastern chakra tradition, we’ve reviewed some of the basic information about the first or root chakra (red, earth element, sense of smell) and the second or sacral chakra (orange, water element, sense of taste) and how they correspond to parts of the body, and the importance of balance.  This month we’ll…

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How to Begin Your Herbalist Training - tinctures
  ON July 15,2016

An Herbal Perspective On Managing Pain Using Herbs

How does an herbalist use herbal theory when managing pain using herbs? Most of the time, people tend to think of pain as a simple experience, one that is isolated within itself. We think to ourselves that “the problem is that I am in pain,” rather than “pain is a signal of something else.” Over…

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