How To Stay Energetically Balanced During Winter | Herbal Academy | Stay energetically balanced during winter with foods, herbs, and lifestyle choices that will help you stay well and vibrant through the season ahead. 
  ON December 30,2022

Embracing the Silence of Winter With Intention

We are now in the heart of the winter season here in the northern hemisphere. With its shorter days, longer nights, and colder temperatures, winter has not always been a season I’ve enjoyed. The lack of sunlight can lead to winter blues, now known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and poor weather can leave us…

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3 Ways to Simplify Life During Hectic Seasons | Herbal Academy | The holidays needn’t be a time of hustle and bustle. In fact, it is possible to simplify life during hectic seasons. Here are 3 ways to do just that!
  ON January 10,2019

3 Ways to Simplify Life During Hectic Seasons

The holidays needn’t be a time of relentless hustle, bustle, and unfulfilled, unrealistic expectations. It is easy enough to get swept up in the pressure and commercialism of the holiday season. Even for the most centered among us, you may find yourself getting stressed out about gifts for loved ones or pressured to be merry…

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