The Wild Wisdom of Weeds

Profiles 13 wild plants “essential for human survival” that grow along with human civilization across the globe; profiles include photographs, botany, habitat, history, edible uses, medical actions, medicinal uses, and recipes.  She reminds us that the more we interact with, learn and use these plants the more we reestablish our lost connection to the natural world. These 13 wild weeds are nutrient-dense and highly resilient, growing abundantly near just about anyone’s doorstep, making for easy study. Her passion for their purpose in our modern ecosystem is compelling, and inspires us to see new potential within our everyday environment. 

Introductory Herbals
As with herbalism, learning and becoming comfortable with wild foods foraging feels much more doable with the guidance and gentle encouragement of a trusted mentor. This book promises to be just that — a mentor and valuable resource to consult as we learn to incorporate more wild plants into our daily lives. It certainly opened my eyes to foraging as an integrated way of feeding myself instead of just an occasional complement, and has inspired me to expand my use of these wild plants.
A thematic context can help to focus our studies, and Blair’s work is an excellent lens to study through.  There is much to learn about their benefits to our bodies and our ecosystem, and in doing so we expand our appreciation of the intelligence within these plants. Katrina Blair’s wisdom and passion for these plants leaps from the page and inspires us with valuable advice on gathering, cooking and preparing them for herbal medicine so that we may reintegrate our lives with theirs on a more regular basis.