Is a Hobbyist Herbalist the Right Path for You?
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the various kinds of herbalists one can become—explaining what they are, things each type of herbalist may do, links to helpful resources and inspiration, and what type of Herbal Academy courses can help each type of herbalist on their journey. Today, we’re talking about the Hobbyist…

How To Care For Your Family Naturally As A Family Herbalist
Herbalism comes in many shapes and sizes—there is certainly no one-size-fits-all for how you can practice and explore this lifestyle. There are many ways one can practice as an herbalist—one very popular way is being a Family Herbalist! A Family Herbalist is one who prefers to stay a little closer to home when putting their…

Introducing The Most Complete Herbalism Textbooks in Beginner and Intermediate Levels
There’s nothing better than walking into the library or a bookstore and experiencing the joys of the printed word with one’s senses. Your eyes take in row upon row of books of various sizes, shapes, and colors. You smell the faint scent of ink and paper when a book is cracked open or flipped through….

Herbal Tea or Herbal Infusion: What’s the Difference?
It’s finally here: the time of year when there’s not much better than a cozy fire, a snuggly flannel, and a hot cup of herbal tea… or herbal infusion. Fall is the perfect time of year to introduce the healthful practice of enjoying an herbal tea or herbal infusion daily. Not only is this the…