3 Must-Read Books to Enrich Your Relationship with the Plant World
Books have the capacity to transport us simultaneously deep within our own minds and to far-off destinations. The experiences we have while reading can help us to see our own world with new eyes and renewed wonder. This shift in lens is definitely the case with the must-read books for plant people I want to…

3 Best Botanical Illustration Books to Inspire Your Studies
Books have a way of inspiring us to better ourselves. Wouldn’t you agree? They often help us to expand our knowledge on a particular subject or show us how to develop a skill in some form of handicraft. They even provide decor to our homes, which often stimulates good conversation amongst visitors. Botanical illustration books…

As a Black Herbalist, These are my 3 Favorite Herbalism Books
As a child, I remember going out into nature, pulling weeds, putting them in jars, and making what I called “science projects” to hide in the cupboards of my parents’ house. In my way, I was practicing herbalism, even though I didn’t know it at the time and hadn’t encountered any herbalism books or resources….

An Aromatherapy Guide for Infants to Elders
Aromatherapy is a topic that is easily romanticized and often lends itself to fluffy writing and dreamy concepts, such as “a drop of this for that” thinking, or even more concerning, using too much, applying inappropriately, or treating essential oils as a panacea. Aromatherapy is a complex subject that requires quite a bit of know-how,…

Adaptogens: 75 Herbal Recipes and Elixirs – Book Review
Adaptogens: 75+ Herbal Recipes and Elixirs to Improve Your Skin, Mood, Energy, Focus, and More by Agatha Noveille is an inspiring read. This book takes a common sense approach to making this class of herbs (which should be on the top of everyone’s list) understandable and approachable. Agatha brings us back to the origin of the…

Book Review: The Beginners’ Book of Essential Oils
We were given a copy of The Beginners’ Book of Essential Oils to review. The book is written by one of our own Academy graduates, Christine Dalziel of Joybilee Farms. Christine has taken a very complex subject and made it very digestible. Essential oils are a wonderful tool for health and wellbeing. Christine shares with her readers how to…

5 Enlightening Herbal Books About World Traditions
As a whole, herbalism is made up of many traditions from all over the world. Distinct schools of herbal thought have arisen across many time periods, cultures, and regions of the globe, with one thing in common: they all consider ways that plants help us heal. The theories that developed and the skills that have been passed…

The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer
It comes as no surprise that a fascination with plants was the driving force behind many an herbalist’s chosen path. And while herbalism has many expressions, a strong connection with plants and access to high quality herbs is of paramount importance to all herbalists. For some, the desire to get their hands in the soil…

3 Old-Timey Herb Books You Can Read Online
Herbalism is seeing a revival in our times, but there is still much we can learn from herbalists who came before us. The history of herbalism goes far, far back into time with the first known reference to medicinal herbs found on clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians. Many old herbal manuscripts are preserved in libraries…

Heal Local: 20 Essential Herbs for DIY Home Healthcare
Don’t miss our Heal Local book giveaway! See details at the end of the post! It was just a matter of time before the popularity of the local food movement expanded its influence to herbal medicine. Just like food, locally sourced herbal medicine brings something to the table – or the medicine cabinet, in this…