Tips To Finding Balance In Each Stage of Life
According to Ayurveda, each stage of human life is linked to one of the three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha (Lad, 2009). In addition, the rhythm of our lives is characterized by cycles such as sleep cycles, the turning of the seasons, and the daily transition from night to day. Each of these cycles plays…

How To Use Chromotherapy And Gemstones For Mind-Body Balance
A core ayurvedic teaching is that all things in nature are comprised of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The five elements exist in a very real way and also represent qualities or energies within us and within the natural world. When it comes to choosing appropriate foods, herbs, aromas, and other…

Eating Nutritiously
When we think about nutrition, it’s important to begin by accepting people’s preferences and acknowledging that dietary practices are often based in cultural and subcultural mores and may or may not be influenced by ethical, religious, and health concerns. It is possible to help people to improve their diet while respecting whatever cultural, ethical, or…