Find The Right Herbal Course For You With This Herbal Academy Course Comparison Chart!
There is one week left during back to school season, so it’s decision time! Which Academy course is right for you? Deciding on a course can feel like a difficult choice, but it doesn’t have to be! We are here to help you find the best program fit for your educational needs. In this post,…

Herbalism: A History – How Herbalists Of The Past Paved The Way For Today
Have you ever wondered how modern-day herbalism came to be? Before the dawn of Instagram herbalism or online herbal education (like the Herbal Academy!), the roots of herbalism run quite deep. Tracing these roots all the way back to prehistory (the time before writing systems were developed), we find that different cultures around the world…

How To Dilute High-Proof Alcohol To Use In Herbal Tinctures
Have you ever prepared to make an herbal tincture and found you were out of your favorite variety of 80-proof or 100-proof tincture-making alcohol? Did you drive to the nearest liquor store to purchase your tincture-making alcohol of choice so you could make your tincture as planned? If so, let me save you a trip…

The Rewards and Challenges of Being a Clinical Herbalist
Clinical herbalism is a dynamic career path for advanced herbalists that has some unusual challenges and rewards! Not only does a clinical herbalist balance the business aspects of running a client based business with the legal aspects of being an herbal wellness coach, but they also need to pursue continuing education and professional development that…

A Comprehensive School Directory & Guide to Finding the Best Herbal Education For You!
It is, after all, transformation that all the best herbal schools encourage, enabling and supporting our transitioning into informed and empowered plant healers who have amazing gifts to share with this world. – Plant Healer, Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory, p. 26 It is in this spirit that the wonderful folks at Plant…

Who Can Be A Clinical Herbalist?
Professional herbalists who work with clients may choose among many different titles to describe their job. Some prefer simple “herbalist” while others prefer “herbal educator,” and herbalists who work in a more formal setting among chiropractors or in a Naturopath’s office may opt for “clinical herbalist.” Perhaps you are looking for a career change that…