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3 Calming Herbs to Support ADHD & Cognition | Herbal Academy | Whether it is you struggling with ADHD or you're working with a family member or a client, here's three calming herbs to support ADHD & cognition.
  ON October 11,2018

3 Calming Herbs to Support ADHD & Cognition

Many different herbs can be incorporated into a successful herbal protocol that helps support attention, cognition, and mood in those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Whether it is you struggling with ADHD or you are working with a child, family member, or a client, approach the topic with compassion and an open mind. In doing so,…

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An Herbal Approach to Children with ADHD | Herbal Academy | Ever wondered how to take an herbal approach to children with ADHD? This post will explain how herbs can support you or your loved ones.
  ON October 02,2018

An Herbal Approach to Children with ADHD

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an increasingly common condition in the United States with nearly 10% of American children (more than 6 million) having been diagnosed with ADHD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). In addition, children with ADHD often experience coexisting mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, substance abuse, behavior, or conduct disorders…

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