Refreshing Violet Lemonade
Wild violets are abundant this time of year, and they offer such wonderful benefits. The leaves are thought to support the lymphatic system, which is so helpful when we consider the strain put on our bodies by environmental pollution and toxins in food. Even those of us striving to reduce the number of toxins we’re exposed to can use lymphatic support at times, and violet lemonade with raw honey is an easy and delicious way to reap those benefits! This refreshing violet lemonade recipe can be especially helpful for children, as they might resist a tincture but will happily drink lemonade!
Violet Honey Lemonade
16 ounces fresh violet leaves and flower tea
1 cup raw honey
1 cup lemon juice (organic, if possible)
First, measure out violet leaves and flowers and steep in 1-quart of boiled water for 10-15 minutes. When time is up, strain the mixture and compost the leaves. Pour the violet-infused water into a 2-quart pitcher and mix in 1 cup of raw, local honey. Raw honey contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and it has anti-inflammatory properties so using it to sweeten your lemonade will add many more health benefits to the finished drink. Whenever possible, purchase honey from a local beekeeper who limits the use of chemicals in the hives.
Next, add 1 cup of lemon juice—freshly squeezed if possible, but bottled will work fine too. Lemon juice supports the immune system and acts as a blood purifier. If you have access to wild dewberries or blackberries, a handful of those can be added to the drink as well!
Finally, add enough water to fill the pitcher. Pour over ice, garnish with a violet blossom or lemon slice, and serve. This recipe can be adapted for different herbs as well, so as the weather warms up, we can enjoy a variety of herbal lemonades all summer long!