Outrageously Delicious Homemade Jam
Making a delicious jam is easier than you think! Here are three of our favorite recipes.
Outrageously Delicious Jam: option #1
If you have a bag of frozen berries then you’ve got homemade jam! Here are a few simple recipes for making jam from frozen berries.
10-16 oz bag of frozen berries, thawed.
6 dates
1 lemon squeezed
Place the frozen berries, lemon juice and dates in a food processor and process just long enough to create a nice jammy texture. By adding dates to your morning toast you are not only getting the delicious sweet, nutty flavor but you are also getting protective antioxidants, and loads of minerals like potassium, magnesium, selenium and calcium. You will never want to just open any old jar of jam again!
Beautiful Berry Jam/Cham: option #2
10-16 oz bag of frozen berries, thawed
2 Tbsp. chia seeds
2 Tbsp. sweetener like agave, honey or maple syrup
½ lemon squeezed
Mash these ingredients with a masher or place all ingredients in a blender and whir for just 1-2 minutes. This is a win, win recipe using a superfood like chia seeds to help the mixture coagulate and you are also getting heart healthy omega 3s, fiber, protein, and loads of nutrients. This jam will get you off on the right foot every morning.
Jam Slam: option #3
Stretch your favorite jam from the market by adding more fruit and lemon as well an herb or two.
10-16 oz bag of frozen fruit
1 jar of jam from the market
1 squeezed lemon
3 droppers full of astragalus, echinacea or perhaps eleuthero
Place all ingredients except the herbal tincture in the blender or just mix keeping the berries whole in a large bowl. Stir in an herbal tincture after you have created just the right consistency.
These recipes take mundane jam from okay to spectacular. Not only are you making a good amount of jam but you are also increasing your intake of powerful antioxidants contained in these berries which are also packed full of vitamins and nutrients. Because lemons contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which is a powerful antioxidant it helps prevent spoilage. Citric acid is also found in lemons and helps to preserve the flavor, color and taste. Adding a few drops of herbal tincture with immune supportive properties just kicks this jam up to another level!
When we make our own raw jams we are getting a lot of additional nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that are just not present in jams that have been cooked and bottled. Keep your jam in the refrigerator in jars that you have recycled. When you serve this brightly colored, robustly flavored jam to your family and friends be sure to get out a very beautiful bowl. No more sticky jars on the breakfast table!