My Wild Life Giveaway with Traditional Medicinals
As summer turns into fall, many herbalists and students of herbalism revel in the splendor of this turning of the seasons. As the nights become longer and the days become crispy, we work to harvest all of the lovely botanicals that have thrived and grown during those long, hot summer days. Harvest time is filled with beauty and gratitude for what has been given from the Earth. It is a time to bring that beauty into our homes and fill our lives with lovely homemade remedies.
During this special season of abundance, we invite you to join with us in community and share your herbal adventures with us! Herbalism is as much of an art as it is a science with an incredible amount of learning and beauty available to all of us to share. And that is a lot of what we are about here at the Herbal Academy. So, in order to celebrate this resplendent time of year with all of our fellow herbalists, we’re kicking off our second Instagram challenge and giveaway with a Plant Power Package from the wonderful folks at Traditional Medicinals!
Many of you joined us for our first #myherbalstudies challenge, and it was a huge success! Herbalists from far and wide met one another in ways that may never have otherwise happened. We followed along with each person, journeying into the wild, visiting the refuge of lovely herb gardens, and even venturing into private apothecaries where so much personal creativity takes place with herbalism. We were truly inspired by these special glimpses into your lives and by the community that grew around this challenge.
My Wild Life Challenge
With this new hashtag challenge, we look forward to learning and sharing more with each and every one of you! This time we are excited to connect with the WILD side of herbalism and are looking forward to sharing pictures about foraging and using wild herbs. While we invite you to share any herbal images you have, we are looking forward to seeing pictures that capture the wild side such as foraging and exploring, bringing home wild herbs, and the wild creations you craft in your apothecary from foraged plants.
My Wild Life Giveaway Details
Now through Tuesday, September 29th, we invite you to join us!
It is simple to enter, just do the following:
- Follow us on Instagram @herbalacademy, and be sure to tag us in any of your posts.
- Use BOTH the #myherbalstudies and #mywildlife hashtags.
- In your upload, be sure to mention the giveaway!
That’s it!
Plant Power Package Giveaway
On September 30th, one lucky winner will be announced! The prize? Your post will be featured on our website and you will win the Plant Power Package provided by our friends at Traditional Medicinals!
The Plant Power Package is a gem, chock full of herbal goodness such as a selection of Traditional Medicinals tasty teas including Roasted Dandelion Root, Green Tea Peppermint, and Chamomile with Lavender. Also included are a lovely book by Rosemary Gladstar, a Woodland Artisan Soap by fawn•lily Botanica, a Relaxing Herbal Bath Blend by Mountain Rose Herbs, and more!
Also, be sure to keep an eye out this week for wild harvesting tips that we will be sharing including on how to sustainably forage for wild herbs, books that we rely on when foraging, and ways to use social media and technology to remember your newfound foraging spot! And keep an eye out for future posts about #myherbalstudies! We’ll be rolling out a series like #mywildlife, which will include fun giveaways and prizes, focused sharing, and tips from your teachers here at the Academy.
We look forward to this beautiful herbal community flourishing and getting to know each other even more during this fun hashtag challenge, and in the future as we all learn and grow together! Find it all on Instagram!