Gift of the Earth: A Spring Poem | Herbal Academy | A spring poem to stir your heart with the gifts of the awakening earth.
4 Apr 2016

Gift Of The Earth: A Spring Poem

As I sit, fingers lingering on the keys of my keyboard, I gaze outside. This is where the poetry grows, my fingers simply telling the beauty that nature so sweetly provides.

The trees burst into the ready as they crown themselves in tethered colors of white, yellow, then green. Our rooster shouts. His juvenile crow loudly branding his claim on the listening flock. The bitter-sweet of growth appears as the earth counts her sprouting hairs, marking her place in the count with a signature dandelion. A busy sparrow tweets about the gift of birth; and I perceive spring’s whispered words.

As the spring breeze graces you with its delicate warmth, may this poem till the springs of your heart with the Gifts of the Awakening Earth.

Gift of the Earth: A Spring Poem

The Earth awakens

From a restful slumber;

Green parachutes emerge

Beneath her mighty lumber.


A yawn of rebirth

Nudges sleepy trees;

White blossoms of growth

Pirouette among the breeze.


Roots begin to wander,

fields offer bitter yellows;

a graceful mother bird sings;

Earth welcomes her new sparrow.


Faithful hands gently plow,

Anticipation tills the dirt;

In tidy rows, nourishment,

New life, we insert.


Calendula provides its honey;

The thistle offers milk;

A lovely spider to us extends

Her beautiful art of silk.


Cold woods of Winter don

Flora sewn with brightest greens

Warm rays pierce the frock

Forest floor kissed in seams.


Our minds no longer pine

For pastures graced by lush,

Or yearn for those lyrics

To breach Winter’s hush.


The tangy taste of green

Peaks above the rich soil;

A cock begins to loudly crow;

Hooves thunder beneath the foal.


Days lend to us more light;

Snows feed our thirsty streams;

Like a mother offers child herself,

Earth bestows to us her Spring.