How To Address Crown Chakra Imbalances For Health Support
We’ve now reached the top of the head where the 7th or crown chakra is located, and today I want to talk about how to address crown chakra imbalances for health support. Before I get to the imbalances, though, let me share a little bit about what this chakra is like.
Understanding the Crown Chakra
In Sanskrit, the crown chakra is called the Sahasrara which translated refers to “1000 petals of the lotus flower.”
According to Eastern traditions, there are seven major chakra energies following the spine up the back:
1st |
Red |
Root |
I survive |
2nd |
Orange |
Sacral |
I feel |
3rd |
Yellow |
Solar Plexus |
I do |
4th |
Green |
Heart |
I love |
5th |
Blue |
Throat |
I speak |
6th |
Purple |
3rd Eye |
I see |
7th |
White |
Crown |
I understand |
The first five chakras are earth-based; the sixth and seventh are about spirit, the stars, and beyond.
It is from the crown chakra we connect with higher sources and from them we gain the following:
- understanding (both of ourselves and the complexity of our universe)
- wisdom (to be compassionate to those around us, and to look for and understand signs that may be placed in front of us)
- knowledge (both of the world we can see around us and that which is unseen by the eyes).
When the crown chakra is blocked, we may feel scattered and without direction in our lives. We may have the feeling of trying to remember something that is seemingly forgotten but was important to us—perhaps in a past life. It’s right there, but we are unable to quite remember it. The Welsh have a beautiful word that I use for my herb/chakra garden (Hiraeth Gardens) called Hiraeth. Translated, it means “the soul’s longing for what it once knew.”
When balanced, we are open minded, spiritual, aware and are often referred to by others as wise and diplomatic. A problem for one with a balanced crown chakra is a lack of tolerance for stupidity but not ignorance, which can and must be corrected.
Crown Chakra Imbalances
Imbalances in the crown chakra can manifest as either excessive or deficiencies.
Excessive crown chakra imbalances can appear as:
- The clinging to any belief from anyone claiming to be a wise person or shaman. This is based on their “pretty” words, not instinct or insight.
- The belief that we are far more wise and important than we are, and often these types will demand knowledge they are not intellectually equipped to handle or understand.
- Extreme actions in a desperate attempt to infer how wise or gifted they are, i.e., instead of a one day fast, one might do a five day fast. Instead of an hour of meditation, one might meditate five hours.
- Becoming addicted to rituals without fully understanding them or their function.
- Confusion.
Deficiencies in this chakra can often be:
- Lack of empathy toward spiritual beings, i.e., they feel spiritual people are fools for their beliefs.
- Materialism and greed.
- Closed mind to new concepts.
- Rigidity in what they do believe
- Boredom with their life and the inability to find meaningful beliefs.
How To Address Crown Chakra Imbalances
So, how does one address crown chakra imbalances? Below, we’ll look at eight things you can do to bring balance to this chakra.
1. Overall Health
Caring for the body is vitally important. The mind does not function to its full capability if the health of the body is ignored. Eating correctly, exercise, being in nature, and stimulating the mind are all critical.
2. Looking Inward
Balance in this area requires solitude which is very difficult for some people. Many people who regularly practice solitude find the longer they are alone, the more creative they become.
3. Drumming & Rhythm
Drumming is helpful. Find a rhythmic cadence and drum away. I like the four directions on the drum: North, South, East, and West (which is introspection) and repeat this. Drumming has been used for thousands of years to bring us into balance.
4. Meditation
Meditation is important to properly balance the crown chakra. Meditation should take place in a quiet dark place. I try to meditate each month under the full moon and allow the light to permeate my body. Close your eyes (even in darkness), shut down the mind chatter, concentrate on your breathing, and envision the white light entering your crown and going down and through your entire body. Sometimes the light is tinged with golden threads; this is a good thing—enjoy it.
5. Essential Oils
Essential oils can be diffused or applied as indicated below, with a carrier:
- Frankincense (Boswellia fereana) has been known as a spiritual oil for thousands of years. Properly dilute in a carrier oil and put a tiny bit on the crown of your head.
- Western Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) is known to release one from negativity and negative past experiences.
- Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) is well-known to lessen stress and allow for relaxed meditation.
- Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), a member of the same family as valerian and native to the Himalayan area of the world is an ancient plant used for religious purposes for thousands of years across many cultures. Diffuse for meditation.
- Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) has been used for enlightenment when inhaled or (diluted in a carrier oil) on the crown. It can be inhaled when one is feeling stressed, traumatized, or hopeless.
- Rose (Rosa damascena) can be inhaled to bring peace and harmony and to rid oneself of fear.
Alternatively, you can blend one or two of these oils in a carrier and then place the mixture on the crown of the head, base of the skull, and behind the ears prior to meditation, if you wish.
6. Herbs, Spices, And Food
Herbs, spices and foods that can be used for balance of this chakra include those that are purple, violet, white or golden in color such artichokes, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, onions, chives, horseradish, parsnips, plums, purple grapes and blackberries.
Chamomile, lavender, and sage are herbs that can be used to calm nerves and are usually used in teas. One tea blend I particularly like is lavender, chamomile, violets, and blackberries. Another herb combination commonly known to bring alignment to the chakras is lavender, nutmeg, and rose petals. Any mixture, or alone will be beneficial. White peony both opens liver blockages and helps clear the mind of obstacles that could prevent emotional growth and wellbeing.
Some well-known brain herbs to try:
- Gotu kola, an important Ayurvedic brain function herb, is used to nourish the brain and help with memory issues. It is believed it is one of the foods that elephants prefer, and elephants never forget! It can be used as a tea, tincture, or eaten in salads.
- Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is an adaptogen which can help put one in a state that allows for the ability to expand knowledge.
- American ginseng is also used to help with cognitive function. American ginseng does not give some people the jitters as do other ginsengs and is the favored one worldwide.
- Of course, we have to include Gingko biloba in this category which is perhaps the most well-known.
Herbal sugars and honeys that contain chamomile, lavender, and violets are easy to make. Simply layer the sugar and the plant in jar, seal it, and wait. I use it in baking or to sprinkle on scones. I love working with violets and often put dried ones in tea blends. I particularly like tulsi honey for my teas.
When working with the crown chakra, sometimes one must force themselves to eat. Light meals and lots of liquids are advised, especially when doing spiritual work. With this chakra it is often said that food is optional.
7. Affirmation
Affirmations for the crown chakra include:
- “I understand”
- “I honor spirit”
- “I am complete”
- “All life is connected”
8. Yoga
If you are into yoga, try (as you are able) the following poses: Crane, lotus, corpse, tree, fish, and prayer.
As I bring this series to a close, I hope that you have enjoyed learning about your chakras and will continue your chakra journey.
What we have discussed in this series is the tip of the iceberg of the seven major chakras of the body. There are many more minor chakras as well as some that include the feet and continue upward, above the crown chakra.
There are many good books which will give you more information, as well as classes both online and hopefully, locally.
Chakra Resources:
- Chakras – Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body by Anodea Judith.
- The Complete Book of Chakra Healing by Cyndi Dale
- The Essential Guide to Chakras by Swami Saradananda
And finally, let me leave you with one other tidbit about chakras.
Did you know that even the earth has chakras or energy centers, and the most commonly agreed upon locations are:
- 1st – Mt. Shasta (Cascade Mountains in California/Oregon)
- 2nd – Lake Titicaca (South America – Bolivia/Peru)
- 3rd – Uluru (Australia)
- 4th – Glastonbury (England)
- 5th – Great Pyramid (Egypt)
- 6th – Aeon Activation – currently stationary (Western Europe)
- 7th – Mt. Kailas (Tibet/Himalayas)
Interesting, right?