Results for Category: Our Favorites

3 Calming Herbs to Support ADHD & Cognition
Many different herbs can be incorporated into a successful herbal protocol that helps support attention, cognition, and mood in those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Whether it is you struggling with ADHD or you are working with a child, family member, or a client, approach the topic with compassion and an open mind. In doing so,…

An Herbal Approach to Children with ADHD
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an increasingly common condition in the United States with nearly 10% of Americ...

Find The Right Herbal Course For You With This Herbal Academy Course Comparison Chart!
There is one week left during back to school season, so it’s decision time! Which Academy course is right for you? Deciding on a...

8 Of Your Most Frequently Asked Herbal Questions, Answered
In the spirit of Back to School Season, we thought it would be fun to take on common student questions in a really quick Q&A fashion. We know you’ll find these topics helpful because we get questions about them all the time! Grab a box of #2 pencils or your favorite ballpoint pen, a notebook,…

5 Herbal Lifestyle Books To Read This Year
There are many paths to herbalism. Some of us may have had a more direct path stemming from a pure interest in botany, foraging, or making herbal preparations. Others, in efforts to nourish our bodies with more natural, simple ingredients, may have stumbled across the herbal approach as a happy accident. As our understanding of…

Curious About Becoming An Herbalist? Here’s What You Need To Know First!
Have you ever daydreamed about becoming an herbalist? Perhaps in your dream, you’re standing in your herbal garden, basket in ha...

Free Ebook Download: Herbal Tea Throughout The Seasons
Do you love drinking herbal tea? Or perhaps you’d like to incorporate a daily tea ritual into your routine? If so, you’ll love...

Get $15 Off a 1-Year Herbarium Membership! (6 Days Only)
It’s back! The 2018 Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle is here, and the Herbal Academy is participating again this year by offering a 1-year membership to The Herbarium to everyone who purchases a copy of this year’s bundle (current Herbarium members included)! There are over $560 worth of herb and essential oil products in…

Thoughts On Celebrating Earth Day As An Herbalist
April is one of our most exciting months of the year as two of our favorite holidays occur this month — Herbalist Day on the 17th, and Earth Day on the 22nd. The month of April is a fantastic time for an Earth Day celebration as it marks the beginning of the growing seasons (here…

How To Identify & Wildcraft Plants Outside Your Front Door
As the sun spends more time in the sky and the weather begins to warm, fresh green shoots emerge from the earth, buds form on tree...