Results for Category: Preparation How-To

  ON September 19,2018

How to Make A Homemade Flower Essence

I never understood the potency of flower essences until I made one myself — carefully picking each beautiful, delicate flower from the plant, intentionally setting it in spring water, and placing the bowl under the sun in the center of my garden. It was a magical meditation as the golden rays of the sun penetrated…

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Video: How To Make An Herbal Honey | Herbal Academy | If you’re interested in learning how to make your own herbal honey, we’ve made a short video that will walk you through the steps to creating your very own!
  ON January 25,2018

Video: How To Make An Herbal Honey

An herbal honey is one of the tastiest herbal preparations one can make. They require little time to create, and they can be used in many different ways. Plus, they’re full of healthy benefits! An herbal honey can be made using fresh or dried herbs, but keep in mind that if you use fresh herbs,…

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How To Make Fresh Dandelion Blossom Oil | Herbal Academy | Learn how to properly infuse fresh herbs with this fresh dandelion blossom oil tutorial!
  ON May 03,2017

How To Make Fresh Dandelion Blossom Oil

I have many favorite things about spring—one of them being the fresh, sunny faces of dandelion blossoms popping up everywhere. Dandelions are one of my favorite herbs. Not only are they readily available, but they have so many uses such as dandelion fritters, roasted dandelion root coffee, dandelion kombucha, dandelion syrup, floral crowns… even freshly…

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How To Grind Herbs In A Coffee Grinder | Herbal Academy | Do you know grinding herbs makes it easier for the medicinal properties to be extracted when making herbal preparations? Here's how to easily grind herbs in a coffee grinder!
  ON April 14,2017

How To Grind Herbs In A Coffee Grinder

As a beginner to herbalism, you will most likely start by learning about common herbs, making basic herbal preparations, and learning how herbs can be used to support or bring balance to the body. However, as you continue on in your herbal journey, you will come across pieces of information that will change how you…

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