Rebecca O’Bea
Contributing Writer


Rebecca O’Bea is a retired, registered nurse and owner of Arbor Ridge Farm, a horse boarding facility located in Northeast Kansas. She is a backyard beekeeper, horse trainer, and chicken wrangler who came into gardening quite by accident. “My husband was always the gardener in the family and I was the one who tended the animals. As a military officer, his job required extensive travel and I would be charged with the watering and weeding of the garden while he was away. One particular hot and dry summer, I was determined to convert my very brown thumb into a green one. It wasn’t easy, but the fruits and vegetables survived and I’ve been hooked ever since.”
A long time lover of herbs and amateur chef, she loves incorporating fresh ingredients into her culinary endeavors. Enrolling as a student in HANE’s Online Intermediate Herbal Course is further proof of her beliefs in a pro-active approach to healthcare utilizing alternative and natural therapies. She can be reached at The Bee Queen.