Naomi Ullian, B.A.
ExperienceClinical Herbalist
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Naomi Ullian is a clinical herbalist and food educator practicing primary care using Western constitutional herbalism and integrative nutrition counseling. She holds certificates in clinical nutrition and herbal medicine from the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine and the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. In 2012, she completed a clinical internship through the Asheville Round Table, and has been an intern at the Herb Pharm and the United Plant Savers Sanctuary. She counts the plants as her primary teachers and is grateful to have studied under a variety of humans as well, including 7song, Paul Bergner, Mary Barnes, Juliet Blankenspoor, Sandi Ford, and Paul Strauss.
At Tiny Pony Apothecary, Naomi offers health support that is queer-friendly, anti-oppressive, and harm reductionist in approach. She traces the origins of her practice of herbal medicine to Vitalist traditions and feminist community health care models, understanding her work in health care as an ally and educator whose task is to reflect the genius of each person’s body back to them.
In life’s other moments, Naomi is also a writer at and performance artist. One of her more recent writing projects includes researching and writing curriculum, articles, and monographs for the Herbal Academy and their Herbarium. Naomi also loves fried green tomatoes, swamps, big mountains, and foraging with fellow adventurers.
Her favorite ways to spend time are swimming in rivers, fermenting vegetable, experimenting with new herbal elixirs, and making choreography on the trapeze. You can find more about her work on her website Tiny Pony Apothecary and Instagram.