Lieke Romeijn
LocationThe Netherlands
Specialist InArtisanal food art
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As a photographer I portray people in their natural essence. Also in my paintings there is a natural touch to things, both in the technique and in the subjects. For example, I love to draw animals and humans reunited, just how I like to imagine them to be. Besides working with my camera and paint, I create ceramics and I recently started weaving.
Although I express myself in various techniques, all my works have something in common; a raw, natural and pure appearance. Nature is my greatest inspiration.
I love to create artisanal food art with pure ingredients and natural coloring. Sometimes I leave the process to chance, so nature can show her signature in the shapes and colors. On top of the artistic and culinar qualities of food, I’m learning more about the medicinal properties of plants. The presentation of the food –preferably on my own handmade ceramics– and the photography form the final result.