Dana Hutchinson M.A., RH (AHG)


Dana Hutchinson, MA, RH (AHG), CTCMP, BCMH, specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Clinical Herbalism, and energetic facilitation therapies (flower essence therapy and medical qigong application) at her in-client apothecary and natural health center, the Wildflower Clinic, in Golden, CO. She has extensive clinical training in Chinese diagnostic assessment where she interprets, observes, and analyzes the pulse, tongue, skin, and nails in each of her clients in order to determine their underlying health imbalances. She formulates customized botanical medicine, provides alternative lifestyle recommendations, and suggests comprehensive nutritional protocols to support a variety of health ailments for each of her clients. Her specialties include autoimmune conditions, endocrinology, infertility/ women’s reproductive issues, and emotional trauma. She is a trained botanist, medical herbalist, Chinese medicine practitioner, nutritionist, and energy healer. Dana is a recognized herbal health educator in her field and teaches a variety of herbal courses, workshops, and classes across the USA and internationally. She has presented at the AHG Herbal Symposium, the Good Medicine Confluence, the International Herbal Symposium, the Community Roots Midwifery Summit, and the National MS Summit/ National Celiac Foundation Summit among many others. In addition to clinical practice and botanical education, Dana is also a faculty member at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism and a freelance writer for Mother Earth Living Magazine. She is a regular workshop educator at Apothecary Tinctura in Denver, Colorado and teaches a plethora of workshops, retreats, and herbal ceremonies throughout the year. She is dedicated to the research and ongoing development of herbal medicine and advocates for the availability of natural health care alternatives for all individuals. Dana is currently accepting private clients both in state (in-office) and out of state/ out of country (telehealth). Dana is also a AHG registered mentor where she takes on private students who are interested in herbalism and the energetic beyond. You can work with Dana 1 on 1, browse her online educational courses, or shop her medicinal tincture line at www.wildflowerclinic.com Specialist In: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Clinical Herbalism, Energetic Treatments (Flower Essence Emotional Therapy & Medical Qi Gong)