Cristina Asensio Foley
Community Support


Cristina is an herbalist, gardener, and educator. She is a student of the Advanced Herbal Course with plans of becoming an AHG Registered Herbalist. Studying and inspiring the connection between people and plants is her passion. For many years Cristina has taught English as a Second Language to adult students from around the world. She speaks Spanish fluently and has backpacked throughout Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. Through her travels, she decided to dedicate her life to the plant path. She went on to apprentice with Master Gardener Joe Hollis at Mountain Gardens in North Carolina. Living in the forests of the Appalachian Mountains, she practiced cultivating and processing native and Chinese herbs. Cristina spent years living immersed in traditional Maya-Ixil culture doing community development work alongside indigenous communities in the tropical highlands of Guatemala. Working with The Ripple Effect nonprofit, she taught women in the village health through sanitation and organic gardening workshops. In return, the people taught her about their local plants, resiliency, and a different world view. Cristina continues to volunteer with the local indigenous team for the long-term sustainability of The Ripple Effect’s service programs. Her life purpose is to spread knowledge and wisdom for healthy bodies, land, and community.