Tea Time Before Bedtime
Children of all ages love to have tea. They love the ceremony that having tea provokes. It can be a time to hang out with our little ones without the distractions of homework, TV and computers. Shut it down, sit down and enjoy a cup of tea together before bed.
Making the tea is part of the fun. Have your children join in as you mix and blend different combinations of herbs together. These teas can be stored in glass jars decorated with ribbons and labels and stickers or whatever else their imaginations can conjure up. Here are some calming, relaxing herbs that are perfect for children and parents alike.
- Passionflower
- Lemon balm
- Chamomile
- Catnip
- Hops
- Lavender
- Oats
- Calendula
- St. John’s wort
- Fennel