Cool as a Cucumber – 5 Ayurvedic Tips for Summer
June 1st marks the start of a new seasonal cycle in Ayurveda. We’re transitioning out of the thaw of spring and lightening the load, but we should also be preparing for nature’s warmer months and its more sharp and penetrating qualities. According to Ayurveda’s elemental theory, Fire and Water are most at play during the summer months.
It’s the time of year when the energy of the Pitta Dosha reigns – providing a strong fire to fuel the many purification and transformation processes it’s so well recognized for. Responsible for all metabolism, cognition, and understanding, the Pitta dosha brings about the qualities of light, heat, and oiliness to name a few. It represents transformation itself.
When in balance, people with a Pitta constitution have a strong power of comprehension and charisma. When imbalanced, feelings of jealousy or hate can arise – as do fire-related physical ailments in the body like arthritis, bursitis, acid reflux, psoriasis, hives, or conjunctivitis. So try these 5 Ayurvedic tips for summer and keep Pitta’s flame from burning your whole house down.
5 Ayurvedic Tips for Summer HeatÂ
• Limit spicy, fried foods. We should already be doing this anyway, right?
• Give yourself a daily massage with coconut or sunflower oil before getting in the shower (15) fifteen minutes later to rinse. This is best done in the morning.
• Avoid prolonged sun or steam exposure – wear a hat, find some shade, limit your time in the steam room or shower to no more than (5) five minutes. Schedule your exercise for early morning when it’s cooler.
• Wear light cotton or silk clothing that is loose fitting.
• Add more cooling, bitter, or astringent foods like pears, coconuts, cukes, quinoa, and cranberries to your diet.
Kris Quinones is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Yoga Instructor specializing in Ayurvedic treatments. She proudly serves on the Pancha Karma sub-committee of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, and is the founder of Rasayana, LLC, an Ayurvedic treatment and education center opening in Somerville, MA in the fall of 2014. Â Sign up for her monthly eNewsletter on her website, or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.