12 May 2023

Floral Bath Tea Sachets for Mother’s Day Gifting

These floral bath tea sachets are a wonderful gift to give on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is truly a celebration of giving life. We have all been through the profound and utterly fascinating event that is human birth. However, a mother is not only the one who delivers, but also the one who cares, nurtures, and gives unconditional love. It is a gentle moment to appreciate our life, the person who brought us into it, those who love and care for us unconditionally, and the children that we nurture. 

This day invites us to reflect on the relationships that have provided us with formative and nurturing guidance throughout our lives. Celebrate this day in a way that is serving your unique and precious life. 

There are plenty of things you could create, craft, bake or organize to celebrate this occasion. But we decided to keep it simple this year and get straight to the point—one intention behind creating these floral bath tea sachets is to inspire a loved one to rest and recharge. 

Who knows better than mothers that self care is so crucial when it comes to sustaining your capability for giving to others?! These spring-inspired bath tea sachets are such a simple and beautiful small gift, and when handmade, lovingly collected, mixed together, and tied into handy little herbal sachets,  they are a perfect way to tell a loved one that you care. Or to share with yourself, because yes—this person might just be you!

The ingredients used for the bath tea sachets form a beautiful synergy, creating a sweet floral aroma resembling a blooming flower field, with herbs and flowers growing everywhere and the warmth of the sun releasing the plant oils into the air. The heat of the bath will do just that, releasing the scents and infusing the beneficial properties of the herbs and flowers into the bathing water. 

Our skin absorbs anything we put on it, especially under warmer temperatures, since heat causes our pores to open. Therefore,  it is a wise choice to infuse our baths with organic herbs and flowers from trustworthy sources.

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) aroma is truly incomparable, bright, festive, and full of spring. In these bath tea sachets, the floral bouquet is also built with calming chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and lavender (Lavandula spp), along with delicious rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus). 

Chamomile flowers are wonderful for reducing irritability and easing insomnia. Thanks to its antispasmodic action, chamomile also eases tense muscles and can be very helpful for menstrual cramps (Chevallier, 2021).

Lavender is great at soothing nervousness, as well as sleeplessness, irritability, headaches, and migraines. It has a calming, soothing effect that can be helpful for mild depression and anxiety (Chevallier, 2021).

Rosemary is a warming, tonic herbal ally that aids recovery from long-term stress. It also stimulate circulation for an energizing boost (Chevallier, 2021).

Epsom salt has a wide array of health benefits, easing stress, soothing dry, itchy skin, and calming muscle pain (Kancel, 2016). 

Ideally, source tea sachets that are made from natural organic materials. Using smaller tea sachets is more convenient because when you buy them in bulk, and use the remaining ones to create your own tea blends, you can enjoy these to make lovely relaxing tea after your bath. 

Floral Bath Tea Sachets

Yields: 8-10 tea sachets (for 2-4 baths)


1/2 cup dried lilac (Syringa vulgaris) flower
2 tablespoons rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) leaf
3 tablespoons dried lavender (Lavandula spp.) flower bud
3 tablespoons dried chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower
1¼ cups Epsom salt 

  • Dry the lilac flowers in a dehydrator, or on the lowest oven temperature until easily crushed and completely dry. 
  • Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  • Fill the tea sachets with the mix. Then store the sachets in an airtight container until you are ready to gift or use them. 
  • When ready, fill a slightly hot to-the-touch bath, put 2-3 sachets in, and let them float around for about 10 minutes, infusing the water with flowery goodness. When the bath has cooled enough and is comfortable to use, enjoy your time, light some candles, and bathe in a beautiful blooming flower field!

In Closing,

Floral Bath Sachets are a wonderful gift to give to a dear one who cared (and cares) for you, or to yourself! A simple act of giving a heartfelt gift is not only a way to honor those who are special to us and share some of our energy with those we love, but it is also enriching and healing to ourselves.

This kindness and gentleness help us fill our cups with the kind of expansive love we may never have imagined we could contain or hold. 

Floral Bath Tea Sachets for Mother's Day Gifting | Herbal Academy | These floral bath tea sachets are a wonderful gift to give. A simple act of giving a heartfelt gift is a way to honor those special to us.


Kancel, C. (2016). Epsom salt: The magic mineral for weight loss, psoriasis, eczema, gout, garden, relaxation & other applications. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.

Chevallier, A. (2021). Encyclopedia of herbal medicine: 550 herbs and remedies for common ailments. Dorling Kindersley.Â