Gathering Supplies for your Herbal Materia Medica | Herbal Academy | Learn what supplies you should have on hand when creating your herbal materia medica right here!
  ON January 12,2017

Gathering Supplies for your Herbal Materia Medica

A couple of weeks ago, we told you about our newest course here at the Herbal Academy—the Herbal Materia Medica Course. To quickly recap, we’re offering this course during January 2017, and it will focus on teaching you how to create your own herbal materia medica. A “materia medica” is a collection of in-depth plant…

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The Free Herbal Materia Medica Course by Herbal Academy – You will learn where to look for quality herbal information and how to research. You’ll receive an extensive list of references––from books to online websites and databases––to help get you get started in your journey.
  ON January 02,2017

How To Create An Herbal Materia Medica (E-Course)

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, winter has settled over our gardens, over the fields, and over the wild places around us. For some of us, winter means snow. For others, a bleak landscape where nothing stirs. We miss the presence of our garden herbs and wild allies acutely. It’s tempting to pine…

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