29 Jun 2015

Six Botanical-Based Air Fresheners For Your Home

Are you tired of synthetic air fresheners that pollute the air with harsh and hazardous compounds? With a few simple, inexpensive ingredients, you can create effective botanical-based air fresheners that delight your senses.

All air fresheners require two components. First, an air freshener must have a way of neutralizing existing odors. Second, it must be able to neutralize new odors released into the air. Before we dive into the different recipes, let’s consider a few options for neutralizing odors.

Baking Soda

Baking soda neutralizes many odor-causing chemicals. However, it does not neutralize most essential oils. This makes it a good choice for homemade air fresheners. It allows the pleasant smells of essential oils to escape, while locking in unwanted odors. Baking soda is also a good way to eliminate odors in the toilet and can be used in garbage bags and in refrigerators to prevent odor accumulation.


Flames draw air in. Odor-causing particles denature when they touch a flame and will neutralize over time. A flame also creates an air current that increases air circulation. Light a scented candle and let the flame work its magic.

Dry Organic Material

Dry organics can absorb moisture and odor particles from a room. This is part of the reason why potpourri and dryer sheets work. Clean, shredded newspaper can also be used in confined spaces.

Six Hazard-Free Air Fresheners For Your Home

Simple Botanical-Based Air Fresheners 

How do you combine these odor-neutralizing elements with amazing scents for your bathroom or the rest of your home?

Cinnamon/ Baking Soda Mason Jar

This recipe is easy, but effective. Fill a Mason jar half-full with baking soda. Add two drops of cinnamon essential oil. Place it in your bathroom and give it a few days. You may want to add one or two more drops, as necessary. This fragrance is perfect for the fall or winter, and it will leave your home smelling like a freshly baked cinnamon cake! Read more about cinnamon here.

Lemon Zest Candles

Lemon zest has amazing deodorizing properties, especially when heated. As an experiment, try boiling lemon peels and see how much it helps your kitchen’s olfactory situation. You can make beautiful lemon candles for your bathroom using the zest’s deodorizing abilities where they’re needed most.  Here’s how to make a simple lemon candle:

  • Collect dried lemon zest.
  • Cut lemons in half and scoop out the flesh.
  • Attach wicks to the middle of the lemons using tin foil.
  • Melt soy wax in a double boiler, stir in the zest, and pour the mixture into the half a lemon peel.

Skewer Diffuser

Add about ten drops of lavender essential oil to a jar and then place a dozen bamboo skewers into the oil. The wood will slowly exchange the odors of the oil for the odors of the air. This is the equivalent of a store-bought diffuser and will leave your home smelling like a fresh lavender field.

Fragrance Stones

Fragrance stones are hard lumps of starch. As organic material, the starch absorbs nearby odors. Mix 1 ½ cups of flour with ¼ cup of salt, 2/3 cup of boiling water, a couple drops of mint essential oil , and some dried rosemary. Knead until smooth and divide into stone-sized pieces. Let the pieces dry completely. These are great for deodorizing bathroom accessories and cabinets.

Six Hazard-Free Air Fresheners For Your Home

Fruity Potpourri

Dried fruits have the ability to absorb odors effectively. Cut up orange and apple slices and dry them in the sun. Add some star anise and voila, you have a great, exotic potpourri. This will produce a summer-like scent that will leave your home smelling fresh and fabulous. If you want to produce a Hawaiian breezy scent, switch up the fruits and use coconut, pineapple, and some lemon peel. You can definitely add some star anise, too, or anything else that satisfies your adventurous taste!

Mandarin Orange Deodorizing Spray

Dissolve baking soda and mandarin orange essential oil (buy it here) in some distilled water. Decant the mixture into a spray bottle and use it when you need to freshen up a space, or try spritzing a little bit of this orange spray onto your bed linens. If you want more restful sleep, replace the mandarin orange essential oil with lavender or chamomile and lightly mist your pillows just before bed.

Consider these recipes as starting points to help you get going with the art of natural and homemade air fresheners. Try experimenting with different fruits, herbs, and essential oils to make scents that suit your tastes and that leave your senses longing for more!


Kelly Brown is a medical student who is fanatical about exploring new ideas in the health industry. It’s been her greatest dream and wish to be a doctor someday, “I can’t explain my joy as I am getting closer to achieving my goal.”  This blog is written for Better Living.